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Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris visits striking IFF workers, who say they’ll keep going as long as it takes

Members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco, and Grain Millers International Union have been on strike since June 2023.

MEMPHIS, Tenn — The fight for better benefits continues four months later for striking workers of International Flavors and Fragrances, especially in Memphis, home to one of its largest plants. 

Wednesday, Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris visited the picket line to offer his support to the workers. 

"They don’t want to be out here. They’re not out here by choice,” Harris said. “They’re forced to be out here because they haven’t been brought a fair offer with terms that allow them to take care of their families.” 

Workers claimed the soy protein company has stripped overtime pay and is using a 30-day notice period to take benefits away from workers.

“We sacrifice a lot just to work here,” said IFF employee Kristina Walker. “And now they want us to sacrifice more.” 

Workers also contended company management isn't negotiating in good faith.

“We sacrifice a lot for them, but yet, they turn around and turn their backs on us,” said Tyson Young, a 22-year IFF employee. “They didn’t even offer us any kind of contract roughly worth taking. They didn’t even offer us a raise. I think one percent was their best offer.”

While still in solidarity, the striking workers admit their efforts are taking a toll.

“I’ve been going through liquidating my 401k, my cash, just to stay afloat,” Walker said. 

Walker, an IFF worker for seven years, said she’s willing to take this fight, and stay on this picket line, into 2024. 

“Because now it’s a point of pride,” she said. “And you don’t mess with a Memphian’s pride.” 

ABC24 reached out to IFF, who sent us the following statement: 

"We have made every effort to reach a fair agreement, presenting the union with multiple offers, including competitive compensation and a comprehensive benefits package, which includes wage increases over the next three years and many new medical and paid time-off benefits.

We have implemented our proposal, offering overtime pay of 1.5 times their hourly rate after 40 hours worked per week, and have not made any changes to benefits in the 2023 Plan year.  

While we are disappointed the union rejected our proposals, we’re committed to reaching a fair and competitive contract that recognizes the important work of our employees and helps ensure the long-term success of our company."

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