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Germantown librarian hosts Adopt-a-First Responder to show appreciation to local heroes

“It's my favorite thing. It's what gives me the courage to keep doing it each time each year," said Mock.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Sometimes we can take for granted the sacrifices our first responders make each and every day.

One Germantown School Librarian is making sure first responders’ work never goes unnoticed.

Many of us have heard of the program, Adopt-a-Cop.

What about Adopt-a-First Responder.

It’s happening in Germantown.

Jennifer Mock is the Librarian Media Specialist for Forest Hill Elementary and Lead Librarian for Germantown Municipal School District.

About five years ago, Mock’s school went on lockdown as a result of a police chase.

Mock noticed the swift work of school officers in keeping everyone safe and at ease.

She decided to show her appreciation by starting Adopt-a-First Responder.

It started out by honoring 85 police officers, firefighters, EMT’s, and canine officers.

Mock has even gotten her students involved by packing bags filled with special notes, coupons and goodies.

“I see all of our kids from age three to fifth grade. And I kind of feel that responsibility to be a role model for them and to show them that this is what a good set is send us you know, we show our gratitude and our appreciation and everybody can do something small, you know, just a small token, and it's really appreciated,” said Mock.

Each year, Mock’s students are excited to show everyday heroes their gratitude.

“It's my favorite thing. It's what gives me the courage to keep doing it each time each year is really, you know, just to get see everybody rally behind and want to help. And the students get so excited, I don't make it mandatory. You don't have to make Valentine's notes. And they all want to make three or four, ten Valentine’s Day notes,” said Mock.

Mock has completed 67 bags.

She still has a way to go but is sure the community will step in to help meet the goal.

Those goodie bags will be distributed on Valentine’s Day.

If you are interested in Adopt-a-First Responder, you can email adoptacopgtown@gmail.com.

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