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Is Gov. Lee’s proposed bill to allow Tennesseans to carry guns without permits a good idea?

Gun shop employees join group that includes mayors and law enforcement who are against his proposal

MEMPHIS, Tennessee —

In Monday’s Ransom Note: under the gun. Last week when Tennessee’s Governor Bill Lee said he wanted anyone over the age of 21 to open carry a gun --even without a permit--the outrage was palpable.

Shelby County's Republican District Attorney, the Memphis police director, the mayor, all said such a law would lead to more violence. So, today we went to a gun store in Cordova, where the Second Amendment is revered, and guess what?

"They don't let you drive. They don't let you practice medicine. They don't let you be a lawyer, real estate agent or whatever it may be without a permit or a license. So, why in the world? I have no idea. It's scary. People are going to get hurt," said Glen Turner, Classic Arms Employee and Firearms Instructor.

RELATED: Gun shop employees react to Governor Bill Lee's permitless gun carry bill

RELATED: Gov. Bill Lee announces bill to allow Tennesseans to carry handgun without permit if over 21 years old

RELATED: Memphis activist joins growing number of people and law enforcement agencies against proposed permitless gun carry legislation in Tennessee

RELATED: Memphis Police Director does not support Gov. Lee’s permitless carry gun bill

RELATED: Should Tennesseans 21 & older be allowed to carry a gun without a permit?

There's also concern the law could put some firearms instructors out of work. The NRA supports this bill, and the governor says he's proposing tougher laws for those who commit gun crimes if this bill goes through.

But in a state that recently passed laws allowing anyone to have a gun in their car and a gun in any park, this may finally be a step too far.

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