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Memphians prepare for heavy wind gusts as severe weather moves into the Mid-South

MLGW has ramped up tree trimming near power lines, but some Midtown customers still have their concerns.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. —

Wind gusts moving into Memphis in the early morning hours on Friday, Jan. 12, 2024, could cause damage and power outages. 

The weather was on the mild side Thursday, but that's all expected to change overnight and through the weekend. First, it’s high winds, then snow, then an expected arctic blast with temperatures well below freezing. 

Julian Williams works in Midtown and is worried about his commute from Mississippi on Monday morning. 

“If it gets bad as far as ice and sleet on the road, then hopefully, they’ll cancel work,” said Williams. 

Florist and owner of Midtown Bramble and Bloom, Marisa Mender-Franklin, spent the week covering her plants to prepare for the weather. She got creative using leaves and Christmas lights to keep the plants warm. 

"Making sure we don't lose a whole crop just because of a few days of really cold weather,” said Mender-Franklin. 

Wind gusts are a major concern for those living in Midtown who saw trees fall during the February 2022 ice storm. 

"Our farm has had a lot of damage from tree limbs and trees coming down. Over the years, we lost our greenhouse, we lost our farm car, we've lost a lot to trees," said Mender-Franklin.

In August, MLGW announced plans to spend $227 million over the next five years on tree trimming. Their contracted crews were out in East Memphis on Wednesday. The utility said about 465 miles have been cleared to date. Still, many Memphians worry that work won't pay dividends in the days ahead. 

"If we lose utilities, they're still going to charge us, and that's not right," said Midtown resident Carer Tate. 

That's why for now, those in Memphis hope for the best and hope MLGW is properly prepared. 

"It's nothing we can do about it other than make our best effort, but we're hoping to maintain power.” 

MLGW released this statement on Monday, Jan. 8, 2024:

MLGW is prepared for severe weather expected this week including high winds, freezing temperatures, and possible snow. Crews are prepared to work around the clock if needed to deal with weather-related outages, including water main breaks (which can occur when temperatures drop).

MLGW prepares for cold weather by tracking the weather, having additional crews on standby, and ensuring equipment and vehicles are equipped with necessary tools. Tree trimming crews have cleared 465.4 miles to date to help reduce electric outages.

Friday afternoon, MLGW and the City of Memphis will update the public on their preparations for the expected winter weather. 


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