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Memphis organization helps teens say yes to the dress... the prom dress!

Couture Cares is helping local students with the first part, by collecting prom dresses to give out for free to those in need through 'Her Prom Closet.'

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Part of the prom experience is getting all dressed up and spending the night with your friends.

Couture Cares is helping local students with the first part, by collecting prom dresses to give out for free to those in need through 'Her Prom Closet.'

Couture Cares does a wide variety of youth development programs, but organizers told us the prom event is special because they get to see kids say yes to the dress!

“We are collecting dresses, new and gently worn dresses, so we can actually go through them, put the dresses in order for the girls to actually be able to come in and try them on - these beautiful dresses that have been donated by the community,” said Davina Jones, Executive Director of Couture Cares.

Turnout was great and dozens of dresses were donated at Saturday’s collection event at Chick-Fil-A in Bartlett.

The teens will make their choices next month.

It’s that time of the year to clean those closets out and donate …

Posted by CoutureCarestn on Friday, February 18, 2022

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