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Vollintine Evergreen residents call for speed bumps as number of speeding cars increases

"Speed bumps are dire here. We need them," said Ursula Williams, a Memphis resident.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Residents in the Vollintine Evergreen Historic said speeding has gotten out of hand in the Jackson Avenue and North McLean Boulevard neighborhood.

“The cars using our streets like the Indy 500,” said James Johnson, a Memphis resident.

Ursula Williams has lived in the neighborhood for more than 20 years. She said in the past five years, the speeding has gotten worse.

“We have bike lanes, and we have the children,” said Williams. “Someone may get hit by one of these cars. The neighbor at the corner there, she’s constantly replacing her gate because they keep running that light. Speed bumps are dire here. We need them.” 

The City of Memphis said the Fire Department approved the residents' request for speed bumps, and it is currently pending a traffic study.

“Sometimes on the weekend, which is the worst, you can hardly get any sleep,” said Johnson.

City Councilwoman Michalyn Easter-Thomas said the Division of Traffic Safety and Engineering has two separate processes. One process is for temporary speed bumps, and the other is for permanent speed bumps. 

“They come and do a traffic study; they see what's allowed and then what's suggested. And then they are put on a list that is determined by funding and time,” said Easter-Thomas, District 7.

Temporary speed bumps are prioritized by traffic accidents, and they are only installed for five years. 

“I was able to get temporary speed bumps along McLean, temporary speed bumps along University, temporary speed bumps along Valentine because it goes up into a school zone,” said Easter-Thomas.

Even with the temporary speed bumps, drivers still finding ways to bypass having to slow down. 

“Please take a second look at us. Send some engineers out and take a look at this neighborhood,” said Williams.

Councilwoman Easter-Thomas said last year, City Council put additional money in the post to help get requests off the waitlist and make the process fairer.

As for Jackson Avenue, the City of Memphis said it is a state route, so it would not be eligible for speed bumps. The city also said the entire process for getting speed bumps could take up to two years.

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