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Family members shocked after Memphis mother and her boyfriend are believed to be involved in death of 4-year-old Sequoia Samuels

Memphis Police arrested Sequoia’s mother, Brittney Jackson, and her boyfriend, Jaylon Hobson.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Memphians are shocked at new details coming to light in the death of a four-year-old girl in the Uptown area of Memphis.

Sequoia Samuels was reported missing Thursday morning. That night, investigators said they found what they believe to be Sequoia’s remains near the home.

Memphis Police arrested Sequoia’s mother, Brittney Jackson, and her boyfriend, Jaylon Hobson. Jackson is charged with child neglect, abuse of a corpse, and false offense reporting. Hobson is charged with false reporting.

Family members and neighbors who were at the home on Friday were aghast at the news.

Friday afternoon, investigators on Caldwell Avenue hovered around a garbage can and combed through a lawn on the side of the house where Samuels lived. Samuels’ family was devastated as they learned more about her death. We want to warn you that the details are graphic.  

When reality settles, the memories seep through. 

“What a joy. What a sweetheart,” said Carolyn Bishop, Sequoia Samuels’ great aunt. “I always see her with that smile, jolly, happy ... Everybody is grieving so hard for her. Like I said, she’s just a joy brighten up the room.”

Memphis Police said Thursday morning, Brittney Jackson reported her four-year-old daughter missing. Jackson told police she woke up to find her front door open and the daughter gone. 

“I told her to call the police. We were over in that area back there searching for her. I said, ‘Brittney, have you called the police?’ She said, ‘No, ma’am,’ and she called them,” said Bishop.

A neighbor’s ring camera footage showed Jackson’s boyfriend, Jaylon Hobson, asking neighbors if anyone saw Sequoia. 

After hours of searching, police found human remains they believe to be Sequoia’s. 

“Pray for us because yesterday, we didn’t understand all this was going on and then today to hear this about Cori ... Oh my God,” said Bishop.

Police arrested Jackson and her boyfriend, Hobson. In the court affidavit, Jackson admitted to police that she initially lied. In the document, Jackson claimed Hobson beat Sequoia multiple times weeks before until the girl became unresponsive. She claimed Hobson tried to revive her, but when Sequoia did not gain consciousness, Jackson said Hobson placed Sequoia in several garbage bags and dumped the bags in a trash container on the side of the house until Thursday.

“You pick the smell up right here. I said I smelled this. After we said we smelled something, we didn’t pursue it because they said they checked all the garbage cans,” said Mattie Brown, a pastor and family friend.

According to the affidavit, Hobson denied being involved and said he last saw Sequoia on June 11th. 

“It’s unimaginable. Unimaginable. I can’t fathom why she just didn’t say, ‘Aunt Carolyn, it’s over,” said Bishop. “We walked around with her. We didn’t know.”

It is a feeling of being blind-sighted by a darkness with hopes for light. 

“Just keep us lifted up before the Lord and give us strength day by day that we can make it and not hold it against our hearts, Brittney, Jaylon, none of them because who are we lest we fall,” asked Bishop.

We did reach out to Sequoia’s father. He did not want to speak.

Family members did tell us Jackson has another daughter. She is safe. We’re also told a false GoFundMe has been circulating that was not setup by the family. The family does plan to create one and will be holding a memorial service at a later date.

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