(LEMOYNE-OWEN COLLEGE NEWS RELEASE) – TheBoard of Trustees of LeMoyne-Owen College, a four-year historically blackcollege in Memphis, today announced it has selected Dr. Carol Johnson-Dean toserve as Interim President, effective Aug. 26, 2019.
“Dr. Johnson-Dean’s breadth of educational leadershipexperience and unique understanding of the inner workings of HBCUs made herstand out as a highly qualified candidate for interim president,” said Dr.Christopher Davis, chairman of the Board of Trustees. “Selecting Dr.Johnson-Dean to serve in this critical role is just one of the many greatstrides LeMoyne-Owen is making as we push forward in our mission.”
Dr. Johnson-Dean currently serves as executivedirector of New Leaders – South Region in Memphis. She has also previouslyserved as superintendent in Memphis, Minneapolis and Boston PublicSchools.
“It is truly an honor to assume the role of InterimPresident of LeMoyne-Owen College, an institution with a more than 150-yearlegacy in Memphis,” Dr. Johnson-Dean said. “As an HBCU, LeMoyne-Owen Collegecontinues to play an integral role in educating and serving students, many ofwhom are first-generation college-goers. I am humbled at the tremendousopportunities that lie ahead for the College, and I look forward to workingwith faculty, students and community partners in this critical endeavor.”
A permanent president for the College will be determinedat a later date. LeMoyne-Owen also recently appointed Dr. Christopher Davis –pastor of St. Paul Baptist Church and local community advocate – to serve aschairman of the Board of Trustees.
For more information about LeMoyne-Owen College, visit www.loc.edu.