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How does Johnson & Johnson's 1-dose COVID vaccine compare to Moderna and Pfizer's

“This is still considered to be a very strong vaccine. It is still very effective in preventing very severe disease," said Dr. Shirin Mazumder.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A new vaccine is offering a renewed hope during this COVID-19 pandemic. 

Johnson & Johnson has released their data on phase three of their COVID vaccine clinical trial. 

Local 24 News Reporter, Brittani Moncrease, breaks down its effectiveness and how it compares to the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. 

It is like music to the ears. 

“I think it’s really exciting. I think it’s positive news. I think that the more vaccine options we have, the better,” said Dr. Shirin Mazumder, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare Infectious Disease Physician. 

Johnson & Johnson released data on their COVID-19 vaccine trial. 

Dr. Mazumder said it's looking promising. 

“What we’re learning is the vaccine is about 85-percent effective in preventing severe COVID disease and about 66-percent effective in preventing moderate disease,” said Dr. Mazumder. 

How does Johnson & Johnson's vaccine compare to Moderna and Pfizer's?

Well, the effective rate is slightly lower.  

“This is still considered to be a very strong vaccine. It is still very effective in preventing very severe disease which means it prevents the need for hospitalization and the risk of death,” said Dr. Mazumder. 

Then, there is the ease.   

“It’s a single dose vaccine, so just one dose of the vaccine is necessary. That makes it a lot more convenient than the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines that require two doses of the vaccine,” said Dr. Mazumder.

The storage need is also different.  

“It doesn’t require the very cold temperatures that are required with the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine. Potentially, this vaccine can reach more people,” said Dr. Mazumder. 

This means that those who live in rural or more remote areas will have better access.  

“This vaccine is viable in the refrigerator for three months. At colder temperatures at negative four degrees Fahrenheit, this Johnson and Johnson vaccine is viable for about two years,” said Dr. Mazumder. 

Johnson & Johnson's vaccine was tested against the South African variant. 

“This particular vaccine appears to be less effective in preventing illness from the South African variant. Right now, what we’re learning is that the majority of the vaccines that are out there are also less effective against the variant particularly the one in South Africa,” said Dr. Mazumder.

That shouldn't turn people away.

“This really just means that we need to get more people vaccinated as quickly as possible to decrease the replication of the virus. The virus can’t mutate unless it replicates,” said Dr. Mazumder. 

Before the vaccine can be released, Johnson & Johnson still has to get the emergency go ahead from the government. 

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