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Inflation is still high, but here's how organizations are helping to meet the need

The Mid-South Food Bank serves 31 counties here in the midsouth by providing nutritious and wholesome food to its partner agencies to help those in need.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — ABC24 is all about saving you money. Inflation is still impacting many of us, especially when it comes to buying groceries. 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, on average, people spend more than $400 per month for groceries. 

That is more than$5,000 per year, but a group of organizations here in Memphis are on a mission to help alleviate the burden.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic…the Mid-South Food Bank has seen the need grow. The food bank serves 31 counties in the midsouth by providing nutritious and wholesome food to local agencies to give to those in need.

We stopped by a church that is a partner of the mid-south food bank to see how they have been meeting the need.

The demand is high and so is the supply. On every first and third Thursday of the month, many cars line up, in the street, past the Colonial Park United Methodist Church grounds just so they can get boxes of food, which is very usual.

“We’re seeing a lot of new people that we have never seen. Some people say, ‘Oh some of them drive really nice cars…but you don’t know if they lost the job. COVID hit everyone all different levels. Then some of the one’s that do drive the nice cars come back and help because they have gotten their feet on the ground,” Reverend Doctor Birgitte French explained.

Elbert Bounds, who is now a volunteer, used to attend the food drives regularly for himself and his loved ones.

“Only when I can’t get enough food, then I’ll do whatever it takes. I would’ve been in line this morning actually; cause see I like to start with veterans first. They’ve been so forgotten. I didn’t forget. I’ve got two brothers that are veterans,” Bounds said.

He added that he first learned about the food drive through the Mid-South Food Bank, which is a non-profit organization that delivers millions of pounds of nutritious, wholesome food every month to families.

Agency partnerships and program services Director Clifton Rockett said now that the need is higher, more agencies and people are stepping up to donate.

“Someone brought in over 20 cases of chicken. You’ll be surprised what people come up with and what comes into our facility, but it’s our job to go through, and process those items, looking at them by the quality, best by date,” Rockett stated. “If it’s frozen…get it in our freezer or our refrigerator…or if it’s non-perishable…get it processed and right back out the door.”

To find the nearest food pantry in your area, click here.

If you want to become a partner of the Mid-South Food Bank, click here.

Also, Colonial Park United Methodist Church has a food drive every 1st and 3rd Thursday, which doesn’t require you to bring anything but yourself.

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