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Elvis Fans Participate In Graceland’s 41st Candlelight Vigil

This year’s candlelight vigil celebration saw a smaller crowd than years past. Still, there were Elvis fans visiting for the first time. There were also new ite...
Elvis Fans Participate In Graceland’s 41st Candlelight Vigil

This year’s candlelight vigil celebration saw a smaller crowd than years past. Still, there were Elvis fans visiting for the first time. There were also new items to see on display. 

Helping light hundreds of candles for the annual event were members of Elvis Country Fan Club. They come from all over the country. It’s been a tradition since 1978. 

Laura Caro is from Georgia and has visited Graceland hundreds of times. This is her 30th year celebrating Elvis Week and helping light candles for people to take with them through the Meditation Garden. 

“It’s very cool,” said Caro. There are folks in our club that are older than me. There are folks that are younger than I am. This will go on and on and on. It’s just going to go on forever it’s never going to end.” 

This year’s festivities were a first for Anne Boucher who is visiting from Canada. 

“It’s something that I dreamt of sense since I was 7-years-old,” said Boucher. “Now I’m 68. This is first trip to see Elvis.”

Like the crowds participating in Wednesday’s vigil, Boucher calls the walk through the Meditation Garden a sacred pilgrimage to honor Elvis Presley.

“He was everything,” said Boucher. “The person he was, the way he looked, the way he thought, the religion he had it was really fantastic.”

Participants told Local 24 the vigil left them feeling closer to the musician who died 41 years ago. 

“It’s a way to feel that bond, that connection with Elvis,” said Caro. 

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