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Memphis Police investigate incident involving unsolicited texts messages between officer and women

A text thread shows the accused officer sending a selfie to a woman and stated he is MPD.

MEMPHIS, Tennessee —

Memphis Police are investigating an incident involving one of its officers.  

A Facebook post has gone viral that shows text messages between an officer making inappropriate advances to women.  

The post says the officer would scan their license plate numbers to get their contact information and hit on them.  

A Memphis Police spokesperson says the department is aware of this incident and investigating and they ask if other women have experienced this to come forward. 

The woman who made the post, and wants to be anonymous, says she randomly received unwanted messages from an MPD officer a couple of weeks ago.    

The thread says things like, “Next time don’t be speeding.” 

When the woman asks who are you looking for, the officer says, “Well I think I got the wrong number, I didn’t just pull you over on Austin Peay?”  

The woman replies, “No.” 

The officer says, “Well I’m on Austin Peay if you wanna get pulled over. 

The officer even sends a selfie to the woman and says he is MPD.    

“It’s always so confusing and so disappointing to see any man to carry on in these unhealthy and dangerous, really kind of stupid ways in order to interact with women, said Deborah Clubb, Executive Director of Memphis Area Women’s Council.  

Clubb, a woman’s advocate, says no matter what a person’s title is, no one should take advantage of women due to their position of power.  

In the same thread on Facebook, another woman says she experienced a similar situation.  She posted a text that was sent to her on August 13 that bears the same phone number.  

It stated, “Next time don’t be speeding.”  

The woman replied, “I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket.” 

The person then asked, “Is this even a female.” 

“We don’t have enough officers as it is and we need all of them to be upholding all of their rules of conduct and keeping their minds on the job at hand which is to enforce the law and protect all of us from danger, Clubb explained.  “Was this one silly moment or is this a pattern and that’s what important to find out.” 

The Memphis Police Department is putting the call out for any other individuals having this type of interaction with any of its officers to contact their Inspectional Services Bureau at 901-636-4966.  

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