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New Tennessee Assistant District Attorney Will Specialize In Domestic Violence Cases

A New Assistant District Attorney General will handle Domestic Violence cases in parts of Tennessee.
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District Attorney General D. Michael Dunavant is honored and pleased to announce the hiring and appointment of Lindsey Williams as a new Assistant District Attorney General in his Criminal Division serving the 25th Judicial District to target cases in a specialized Domestic Violence Prosecution Unit.  General Williams was sworn into office on Thursday, September 1, 2016, by The Honorable Joseph H. Walker, III., Circuit Court Judge. 

The new Domestic Violence Prosecution Unit for the 25th Judicial District will initially and primarily serve the General Sessions and Circuit Courts of Tipton County, which were identified and targeted due to a shift in population as well as increased reporting and more aggressive law enforcement measures that have caused and contributed to an increase in the total number of domestic related crime arrests and prosecutions in Tipton County.  Unfortunately, the incident rate and the severity of domestic violence cases has drastically increased over the past 5 years in Tipton County, including increases in cases of aggravated domestic assault with deadly weapons and strangulation, as well as an increase in domestic homicide.  In the most recent caseload statistics in 2014, the Office of the District Attorney General handled a total of 1,151 domestic violence cases in Tipton County, including 716 domestic assault cases, 196 aggravated domestic assault cases, 2 domestic homicide cases, and 196 stalking/coercion/intimidation/harassment cases.  General Williams will also be assigned to specially prosecute other domestic violence offenses in the 25th Judicial District as needed.

Having a dedicated Domestic Violence Prosecutor will have a positive impact on the successful prosecution, statistical documentation, and deterrence of domestic violence cases in Tipton County, by focusing resources, education, experience, and victim services on the significant problem of domestic related criminal offenses in the largest and fastest growing county in the 25th Judicial District.  A designated Domestic Violence Prosecutor will be able to effectively and aggressively manage the domestic violence caseload, and provide true and consistent vertical prosecution of all domestic assault, aggravated domestic assault, violation of orders of protection, stalking, coercion, sexual battery, rape, and homicide cases.  The Domestic Violence Prosecutor will also develop and apply an expertise in the area of domestic violence law, and devote more time to victim services, and to education and in-service training of law enforcement officers regarding domestic violence enforcement law, criminal procedure, and victim safety.  The offices of the new Domestic Violence Prosecution Unit will be located in the Covington Criminal Division office of the District Attorney General at 4709 Mueller Brass Road in Covington.

General Williams graduated with a Juris Doctor degree in May, 2011, from the University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, and obtained her Bachelors of Science degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Florida State University in May, 2006.  General Williams has previously practiced law primarily in Shelby and Fayette Counties, with experience in child, family, and juvenile litigation.  General Williams is a resident of Memphis, and will be primarily assigned to the Covington Criminal Division office to prosecute domestic violence cases in Tipton County. 

“I am pleased that General Williams has joined our Criminal Division staff.  With her prior experience in family and domestic cases, I am confident that she will be prepared to immediately begin handling and prosecuting domestic violence criminal cases on behalf of the State of Tennessee.  I know that she will be an effective public servant to the citizens of Tipton County and the 25th Judicial District, and I look forward to working with her in our collective prosecutorial efforts”, said General Mike Dunavant. 

“Domestic violence is a significant problem in Tennessee that has a devastating effect on victims, children, families, and communities.  This new targeted prosecution unit will provide domestic violence victims with the voice, advocacy, and protection that they need, while holding offenders accountable under the law.  By this dedication of specialized prosecutorial resources, we want to send a strong message that domestic violence in any form will not be tolerated”, said Dunavant.

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