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More than 100 kids complete CMOM's summer reading challenge

This summer, the Children's Museum of Memphis challenged children to read 10 books and over 100 kids accepted and completed the task.
Credit: CMOM

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The Children's Museum of Memphis asked kids to participate in their summer reading challenge, over 100 kids accepted and completed the task.

As a reward, CMOM gave every kid a free book to take home and reread as often as they like. 

Whether they were independent readers or paired with a caregiver, kids of all ages dove into the challenge. With 133 kids accepting the challenge, there was a total of 1300 books read, according to CMOM.

Access to books, especially during the summer, isn't a given for every child in Memphis. This is why CMOM encourages young learners to work on their reading skills and combat summer learning loss.

By offering a wide range of books that visitors might not have access to outside their school libraries, CMOM helps foster a love of reading and learning. This can be especially important for children who might not have access to these books at home or school. 

Additionally, CMOM has recently expanded its literacy program thanks to a multi-year gift from local philanthropists Amy and Alex Knight. 

Thanks to a multi-year gift from local philanthropists Amy and Alex Knight, CMOM has expanded its literacy programming. These funds have been used to direct early literacy promotion through several different initiatives. 

CMOM is now offering integrated literacy stations in all their major permanent exhibits. They are also expanding story time programs by incorporating music, physical activity and role play. Lastly, CMOM is increasing both museum and community wide marketing initiatives that promote research-based benefits of early literacy to parents caregivers.

RELATED: Reading Wizard returns - Keep your kids reading this summer

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