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17-year-old student arrested after bringing firearms to Raleigh Egypt High School, Memphis Police say

A high school security officer stated that he saw a suspect on camera leaving a black backpack in the bushes near the dumpster at 9:12 a.m., according to MPD.
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A student of Raleigh Egypt High School was transported to juvenile detention after officers responded to a weapons law violation at the school, according to Memphis Police.

The Memphis Police Department (MPD) said a complainant who is a Memphis City School security officer told police that an employee with "First Start Cleaning Service" found a black backpack with three handguns and ammunition "in the bushes near the dumpster." 

The security officer stated that he saw a suspect on camera leaving a black backpack in the bushes near the dumpster at 9:12 a.m., according to MPD.

The security officer said that the suspect stated that he brought the guns to school for a senior student, according to MPD. This officer told police that there was a plan to sell marijuana to unknown individuals and rob the individuals, according to MPD.

The witness, who is employed with the cleaning service for the school, reportedly told police that she found the black backpack in the bushes near a dumpster in front of the school. She said to police that that she took the backpack to the office.

An officer said he saw three handguns — a black Ruger 57, caliber 5.7 (loaded with approximately 20 rounds), a black and gray Smith and Wesson SW40VE, 40 caliber (loaded with 15 rounds) and a black Glock 33, 357 caliber (loaded with unknown bullets inside a 50 round drum). They also reportedly saw a zip lock bag filled with approximately 78 .40 caliber rounds, an empty unknown brand handgun magazine and a small black handgun magazine loaded with approximately 9/ .357 caliber rounds, according to MPD.

The Ruger 57 handgun and the Smith and Wesson handgun were negative in NCIC, according to MPD. MPD said the Glock 33 showed to be stolen out of Ripley, TN. 

Homeland Security was advised, according to MPD. An officer reportedly tagged all evidence into property and evidence, including a black iPhone 11 belonging to suspect with clear case and a black Puma backpack, according to MPD. 

As crime proves to be a continued challenge for the city of Memphis, how to reduce the pain that it has caused communities remains on the minds of civilians, politicians and changemakers in the area.

Click here for a collection of organized facts and data surrounding crime in the Mid-South as well as a list of organizations that could use your help in reducing crime in the city of Memphis.    

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