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Raw Sewage Leak Closes Boat Ramp At McKellar Lake

The boat ramp at Riverside Park Marina leading into McKellar Lake is closed until further notice.
Broken Pipe Sends Raw Sewage Into Cypress Creek_20160401225720

The boat ramp at Riverside Park Marina leading into McKellar Lake is closed until further notice.

Erosion along Cypress Creek caused a sewage pipe to rupture near President’s Island.

We’re told 40 to 50 million gallons of raw waste is flowing into the creek and McKellar Lake every day.

The Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency and the Shelby County Health Department are asking people not to fish or hang out in the lake.

The marina owner tells us it’s just a precautionary measure.

“McKellar, as long as I can remember, has always had a horrible reputation for its contents, the water, and so forth. We were able to get this thing dredged a few years ago, and we were able to take soil samples off the bottom of the lake,” said Riverside Park Marina owner Larry Stanley. “And it came back, and had I not read it myself. I wouldn’t have believed it, but we tested the 5th cleanest body of water in the state of Tennessee when it comes to impurities or chemicals, things of that nature.”

Public works crews are working on a by-pass sewer line. They expect it to be in place Wednesday.

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