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Settlement Reached In Class Action Lawsuit Over MPD Promotions

A settlement has been reached in one of the class action lawsuits involving promotions within the Memphis Police Department. The legal battle has lasted more th...
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A settlement has been reached in one of the class action lawsuits involving promotions within the Memphis Police Department. The legal battle has lasted more than 14 years.

The lawsuit involves the police promotions testing in 2002. Some officers claimed the test was racially discriminatory, and filed a lawsuit against the city of Memphis. An appeals court ruled in favor of the city, and the Supreme Court refused to take up the case.

The officers involved were initially promoted to the rank of Sergeant by order of the court. The city says all but one of those officers have been subsequently been promoted through completing higher-ranking exams. Some have even obtained the rank of Major.

The settlement allows most of the officers to keep their current rank, which was obtained through testing and seniority. The city says the single officer who is currently a Sergeant will have to pass a new test to keep the rank, or will be subject to demotion.

As part of the settlement, the plaintiffs agreed to dismiss their appeal.

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