Can anything be done to save Northside High School in Memphis from closing?
Many parents and student in that neighborhood want to know.
Shelby County Schools is $86 million in the red.
Tuesday night, you can attend a town-hall meeting at the high school to tell school leaders what you think.
To help cut deficit, the school board voted to begin the closing process for Northside, Carver, and Messick Adult High Schools.
Some programs and teacher jobs could be at stake, too.
For any possible school closure, there is the question of which school make the most sense to close.
Do you close a high school or an elementary school and consolidate?
“Until you get a high school to a certain number you cannot offer the kids what they need to learn…as far as elementary schools the kids are little they don’t need to be walking too far or have to travel across huge highways,” school board member Mike Kernell said.
Tuesday night’s town hall meeting will be held at Northside High School at 6:00 p.m.