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Traveling replica of Vietnam Memorial Wall is in Collierville through Oct. 21

COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. (localmemphis.com) – A replica of the Vietnam Memorial Wall is in the Mid-South through October 21st. The Vietnam Vets Legacy Vets Mot...

COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. (localmemphis.com) – A replica of the Vietnam Memorial Wall is in the Mid-South throughOctober 21st.

The Vietnam Vets Legacy Vets Motorcycle Club escortedthe traveling wall Thursday to Central Church in Collierville.

Three-fifths the scale of the original memorial, the travelingwall stands about 6’ tall and 300-feet end-to-end. It includes all 58,272 namesof the U.S. military veterans who fought in the Vietnam War that the originalwall contains. 

Learn more about the traveling memorial HERE.

10-17 – vietnam memorial 2

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