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West Tennessee residents and coalition group want 'a seat at the table' with BlueOval City

The coalition group is frustrated that Ford Company has yet to respond to demands to sign a community benefits agreement.

MASON, Tennessee — A group of faith and labor leaders are using the Juneteenth holiday to press for environmental, racial and economic opportunities as Ford Motor Company builds its new multi-billion-dollar advanced manufacturing plant in Stanton, Tennessee. 

The group called Blue Oval Good Neighbors expressed frustration because Ford officials have not responded to their demands to sign a community benefits agreement. 

During a press conference on Wednesday, some of the group's members shared their excitement for what this facility can do for West Tennessee residents long term. The impact is estimated to bring 30,000 direct and indirect jobs. However, some people who have lived in the area for generations told ABC24, they still have concerns. 

They claim they've been denied an opportunity for a seat at the table for two years since Ford announced its plans to build their first new plant in 50 years in Haywood County. 

The company plans to start mass hiring for the facility next year. 

Mason resident, Eloise Thompson said Ford Motors has been a good neighbor thus far, but they could do a lot more. 

"Being a good neighbor is not a transactional experience, being a good neighbor is about good stewardship, being a good neighbor is about accountability," Thompson said. 

Some of the community stakeholder's top concerns include union jobs, clean water and a clear plan on how this company's facility will benefit West Tennessee families for generations to come. 

City of Mason Alderman Virginia Rivers told ABC24 that residents are seeing an increase in costs. She said they want to make sure Ford's investment is going to the right places. 

"Investments like affordable houses, local hires, workforce development, environmental protection and support for our impact for other communities," Rivers said. 

Rivers is the only elected official working with Blue Oval Good Neighbors. 

A representative from Ford told ABC24 they have addressed most, if not all of the community's concern. 

In a recent statement from a press release last month, the company said its spent $21 million on charitable giving in West Tennessee. They said when the new facility is complete, Ford expects to save 50 million gallons of water year in a state-of-the-art utility system to reduce evaporation. 

The company's equitable growth advisory council meets regularly with citizens to develop a 'Good Neighbor Plan' that will be unveiled soon. 

However, members from the coalition said that if Ford really wants to show how serious they are about West Tennessee residents' future, they will sign a legally binding community benefits agreement. 

Rivers said the state saw its first community benefits agreement in 2018 through a major league soccer stadium in Nashville. That contract addressed affordable housing requirements around the project. 

"The agreement ensured that 20 percent of all housing built by the stadium were set aside for affordable housing unit. That they were three bedrooms that they were able to accommodate working families," she said. 

Mayors of Stanton and nearby Brownsville were not in attendance at the press conference on Wednesday. They have told ABC24 they are pleased with Ford's commitment to the area. 

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