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Autopsy report for teen who died after incident at Youth Villages finds manner of death to be undetermined

The autopsy report for Alegend Jones lists the cause of death as complications of restraint.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The autopsy report on the death of a teen at a Youth Villages facility in Bartlett lists her cause of death as complications of restraint, but her manner of death is listed as undetermined.

The autopsy report, obtained by ABC24 through the State of Tennessee, lists asthma as a contributing factor in 17-year-old Robshekaneciona Alegend Jones' death inside the facility.

Youth Villages claims the Medical Examiner’s report on the death after an incident in November 2023 shows “there was no abuse or intentional physical injury caused by our staff.” 

This all comes after claims of abuse by the Jones family and their attorney Ben Crump.

Bartlett Police said Jones died after being taken to the hospital Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023, after a “reported incident” at 7386 Memphis-Arlington. That’s the location of the Bartlett campus of Youth Villages.

Youth Villages claims there are “innumerable false, harmful and reckless allegations made by individuals and repeated by the media and on social networks about Youth Villages and our staff.” The organization released an outline of what it said are unfounded allegations compared to what it claims are the “facts.”

The Autopsy Report

"The video of the confrontation with staff showed the decedent appearing to pull away from a staff member and then being grabbed and restrained by multiple staff members," the autopsy report reads. "The group moves just out of the main line of sight of the camera where they continue to restrain her. During the duration of the restraint, multiple staff members rotate in and out of the restraining group, and the decedent can be seen to be moving. 

"After some time has passed, the decedent stops moving and the staff appear to realize she requires adjustment. When they attempt to get her to stand, it appears she needs support. At this time, they lay her on her back and she remains unresponsive. Then they start cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency services are requested."

The autopsy report indicates that training documents reviewed include protocols of having a nurse present during the restraint, as well as a section addressing positional asphyxia and how care should be taken with the use of any restraint in order to prevent restraint related deaths, often attributed to positional asphyxia. 

"The suspected contributor to death is positional asphyxia due to being restrained with asthma as a contributing factor," the autopsy report reads. "Positional asphyxia occurs when an individual body becomes positioned in a way in which their breathing is compromised. However, because we are unaware of her precise positioning during the restraint, this cannot be declared with certainty."

Claims of Abuse

During a news conference in December, Jones' mother and attorney Ben Crump said they watched video clips of the incident they claim led to Jones' death. Crump said the video showed counselors restraining Jones at the Shelby County Health Department.

Crump alleged that what Youth Villages staff did led to the teen’s death, and that not even an hour after returning to Youth Villages, paramedics were called because Jones fell unconscious.

Crump said Jones was assaulted, battered, and choked. He presented medical records, claiming Jones experienced brain compression, among other injuries like cerebral edema and rhabdomyolysis, which is a rare condition often seen in people who have suffered major injuries or trauma, though the condition can also have other causes.

"It is reported that the decedent got into a physical altercation while at a medical exam at the Health Department, where she was restrained by Youth Villages staff and the police were called," the autopsy report reads. "She was then transported back to the Youth Villages facility by the police. Upon re-entry into the Youth Villages facility, it is reported that another physical altercation occurred and the decedent was restrained by staff until she became unresponsive." 

Youth Villages' Response

In the statement regarding the autopsy report, Youth Villages said, “On our residential campuses, we help youth who are dealing with the most difficult and challenging issues. Therapeutic holds are used only when necessary to help young people calm down and regulate their behavior. Alegend was placed in a hold for her own safety and the safety of our staff, and only after repeated violent outbursts. Our team followed their training and all safety protocols and procedures. Medical staff were present. The witness statements and video support this.”

"The physical stress of the restraint could certainly have triggered her asthma, further making it harder for her to breathe," the autopsy report reads. "The manner of death cannot be determined because what actually happened in the restraint is not known. It can be declared that she was breathing and in no physical distress before the restraint and was unresponsive after the restraint. 

"Therefore, based on all currently known investigative information, autopsy examination, toxicology analysis, and circumstances surrounding and leading up to the death, the cause of death is attributed to complications of restraint with a contributing factor of asthma and the manner of death is undetermined."

Youth Villages detailed statement on the incident is HERE

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