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New Vanderbilt poll shows support from both TN Democrats and Republicans for stronger gun laws, abortion protections

The survey was conducted April 19 through 23, 2023, with 1,003 registered Tennessee voters taking part.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A new poll by Vanderbilt University shows overwhelming support for strengthened gun laws and abortion protections among both Democrats and Republicans in Tennessee.

The survey was conducted April 19 through 23, 2023, with 1,003 registered Tennessee voters taking part.

Vanderbilt said key takeaways include 82% support for Governor Bill Lee's executive order on gun background checks. Researchers said three-quarters of voters also support a red flag gun law.

The survey also showed that the majority of voters of all party affiliations think abortion should be legal to protect the life and health of the mother.

The poll showed more divide when dealing with LGBTQ+ issues.

It said 63% of the voters polled support bans on “adult cabaret entertainment” in public spaces. But 66% of voters oppose legislation restricting transgender individuals’ access to health care.

As far as approval for lawmakers, Vanderbilt said approval for Gov. Lee dipped by 4 percentage points to 53%.

And since the fall, the legislature’s net approval saw a 26-point swing and is now negative 5 percent, with 48% disapproving. It’s the legislature’s lowest level since the Vanderbilt Poll began measuring it in 2012.

“At the same time, 74 percent of registered voters say they’d prefer their elected leaders compromise across the aisle rather than strictly pursue their own values and priorities,” said John Geer, co-director of the Vanderbilt Poll and Ginny and Conner Searcy Dean of the College of Arts and Science and professor of political science at Vanderbilt University.

Check out the full poll and results HERE.

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