MEMPHIS, Tennessee —
In Tuesday's Ransom Note: time to talk.
People are frustrated and have no hope, and someone who looks like me can't pretend to fully understand. But I can try, and we should all try.
You can't look at that video of George Floyd --and we're not going to show it here now-- or hear about all the other incidents caught on camera and not think there's a serious problem. Cops I know want the cops in Minneapolis put in jail, and they tell me it's time for departments to reevaluate their policies regarding deadly use of force. They have their body cams on all the time but know officers who don't and get away with it. They don't want to lose their jobs if they report a bad apple, but that would be easier if they were required to do so and protected if they did.
And they say officers who commit brutality often have records and reputations for being a hot-head. They'd like to see those officers off the streets before there's a tragedy. It's time to listen and take action.
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