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Opinion | Memphians help fill the eight-million-dollar man's wallet, at least a good portion | Richard Ransom

Local 24 News Anchor Richard Ransom talks about the CEO of the TVA and his salary being raised.

MEMPHIS, Tenn — In tonight’s Ransom Note: the eight-million-dollar man. 

Not many Republicans will stand-up to Former President Trump, but today the Trump-appointed board of the Tennessee Valley Authority sure did. 

Last fall, Trump called the 8-million-dollar compensation for TVA CEO Jeff Lyash “ridiculous” demanding it be lowered.  

But today, the board made sure Jeff Lyash holds onto his distinction as the highest paid federal employee. 

His 7.3-million-dollar salary, now cleared to go to 8 million or higher. 

By comparison, Dr. Anthony Fauci makes $434,300 a year. Heck, the president makes $400-thousans a year. 

While Lyash’s compensation doesn’t come from taxpayers, it does come from ratepayers. 

And guess who makes up the largest group of ratepayers in the entire TVA? 

The fine customers of Memphis Light Gas and Water. 

So, when you go to pay that MLGW bill for this deep freeze, remember that you’re helping to pay a bigger part of the CEO’s pay than anyone else. 

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