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Opinion | Tennessee Republicans need to pay attention to polls about guns

A Vanderbilt University poll shows 72 percent support for red flag laws. Still, Governor Bill Lee refuses to use the term "red flag," says analyst Otis Sanford.

TENNESSEE, USA — Otis Sanford reporting: 

We are at an inflection point in Tennessee over guns, and it's time for the Republican-controlled state legislature to start listening to voters. Clearly sentiments have changed about whether any adult should be free to walk carry a gun in public — including assault rifles — without a permit.

Now, an overwhelming majority of Tennesseans, Republicans, Democrats and Independents support so called "red flag" laws. Those are laws designed to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of people who pose a danger to themselves and others. 

A new Vanderbilt University poll shows 72 percent support for red flag laws and 75 percent support for gun restrictions to prevent school shootings. Are Republicans paying attention? 

They should be because the same poll shows 48 percent disapproval of the job the legislature is doing. That's up from 34 percent disapproval last fall, which is why I say this is a critical moment for lawmakers. 

Governor Bill Lee wants a special session to toughen laws to keep guns away from dangerous people, although Lee refuses to use the term "red flag."  

No matter what you call it, the public is demanding action, and the legislature would be foolhardy to ignore those sentiments, particularly after the deadly Covenant School shooting. 

I just believe that if lawmakers do nothing, some of them will pay during the next election — at least, I hope so. 

I'm Otis Sanford, and that's my point of view.

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