MEMPHIS, Tennessee — In Tuesday's Ransom Note: the power game over who supplies our power.
With billions on the line, the Tennessee Valley Authority is getting nervous about losing Memphis as its number one customer. A week from tomorrow, August 19, MLGW is expected to announce whether it will open up the process of receiving bids on whether another source might be cheaper. Even though five studies already say it will, saving customers from $150 to $450 million a year.
Tuesday, The Commercial Appeal reported TVA is serious about possibly reducing CEO Jeff Lyash's income. He's now the highest paid in all of federal government at more than $8 million a year.
President Trump calls that kind of money unacceptable, and Memphis Congressman Steve Cohen did something he never does and agreed with Trump when we talked to him earlier Tuesday.
"TVA is not what it used to be. TVA is a place for people --executives-- to take care of themselves, plush surroundings, airplanes, helicopters," Congressman Cohen said.
When Cohen and Trump agree on an issue, watch out. MLGW has no choice but to at least put this out for bids, in the best interest of its customers.