MEMPHIS, Tenn. — What's on your mind? A new poll of Tennessee voters by Vanderbilt University allows us to try and answer that question.
What struck me is that 72%, a majority of Republicans and Democrats, now support using taxpayer dollars for rehabilitating criminals, caring for their mental health or treating addiction.
Also, a majority of Tennesseans no longer favor the death penalty. 53% now say life in prison is the best punishment for murder. 37% say the death penalty is best, a complete reversal from 10 years ago.
Most Tennesseans don't support their own state's abortion law. 80% want abortion to be completely legal or legal under some conditions. Only 17% say it should be illegal in all cases.
Finally, support for President Biden and former President Donald Trump is waning, even among their supporters. Democrats who approve of Biden's job performance fell from 92% last year to 79% now. Among Republicans, 54% prefer Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to run for the GOP nomination versus 41% who still support Trump.
The pollster said the results show Tennessee Republicans are clearly divided. The party is trying to figure out who they are and what issues matter.